


Colour: Brownish-grey

Size: 50 to 80 cm

Features: They have short, strong limbs and large curled claws. Nearly a quarter of their length is taken up by their bushy tail.

Infestation Indicators

Indicators of digging are a reliable method for determining whether you have a groundhog problem. It's possible that a groundhog has moved into your property if there are burrow tunnels and dirt heaps. Additionally, evidence of a groundhog infestation might include destroyed crops and damage to plants from scratching and scent marking.

How Concerned about Groundhogs Should I be?

In addition to damaging pastures and eating crops, groundhogs often hurt animals who accidentally step into their burrows. Also, the structural harm they may do to sheds, porches, and yards.

They may spread a variety of parasites, such as ticks, chiggers, fleas, botflies, and lice. They may also transmit illnesses such as rabies and tularemia, and if threatened, they will bite, claw, and scrape. Groundhog removal must be done properly and humanely, which calls for skilled pest control services.