Fleas Removal



Colour: Reddish-brown

Size: 1 to 3 mm long

Features: Small, wingless that typically have combs of wide, flattened spines and a strong cuticle covered in numerous bristles.

Diseases Transmitted by Fleas to Humans

● Bubonic plague. The most well-known flea-transmitted disease is the Bubonic plague.

● Murine typhus

● Tungiasis.

● Tularemia.

What do Fleas Look Like?

They are reddish-brown in colour and between one and three millimetres in size. Due to the tough plates lining their body, they can withstand the pressure of a human's squishing or the biting and scratching of an animal. Their legs have powerful claws at the end for grasping. The majority of flea bites on humans occur below the knees because fleas can leap roughly 18 cm vertically and 33 cm horizontally. In terms of appearance, flea bites resemble mosquito bites. They often appear as red pimples with a single puncture hole in the centre, commonly in groups or lines of two. The itching and irritation last for weeks. The best course of action is to have a local flea exterminator carefully check your home if you discover flea bites.

How Concerned about Fleas Should I be?

Fleas can cause harm to both people and domestic animals. A cat or dog can die from a severe untreated infestation, but not before the animal has experienced excruciating pain. Bartonellosis (cat scratch fever), feline anemia, and flea allergy are a few more illnesses brought on by fleas. Adult fleas frequently leap to the first warm-blooded animal they come across if their preferred host is out of reach. Most significantly, fleas have long been thought

to carry the plague.