carpet beetles Removal

Colour: Black or brown
Size: 2 mm to 6 mm long
Features: All types of carpet beetles have chewing mouthparts, relatively small antennae, and an oval body.
The most common species of carpet beetles in Canada are Varied Carpet Beetles, Black Carpet Beetles and Furniture Carpet Beetles. In general, carpet beetles have an oval body and are dark brown to black in colour. The many carpet beetles and furniture beetles have distinctive, colour-specific scales. On furniture carpet beetles, the thorax and body are covered in different patterns of white and yellow scales. The centre of the beetles is also covered with orange and red scales. Various carpet beetles have irregularly patterned of white, brown, and dark-yellow scales.As the insect matures, these patterns disappear to solid black or brown.
Depending on the species, carpet beetle larvae can vary in size and form. The larvae of the black carpet beetle are coated in short hairs that stand up straight as a natural defence. They also have a bristle-like tail.
How Concerned about Carpet Beetles Should I be?
Damage can occur during the larval stage. Larvae consume wool, silk, and dead animals. They will occasionally consume grains and spices but not synthetic fibres. After moulting, carpet beetle larvae leave behind dark cast skins.
Skin irritation may result from the bristly hairs of carpet beetle larvae. While they are
moulting, their dead skin can aggravate people's skin and trigger allergic responses. When you see adult carpet beetles near your windows, it is typically an indication that there are eggs or larvae hiding within your home. Contact us to remove them before causing harm.