spider Removal
Spiders are perhaps the most disliked pest that we treat. They, unfortunately, rank among the most prevalent pest issues in the GTA. The most common spiders in the area are Cellar Spiders, It's crucial to seek the assistance of a spider exterminator if you are dealing with an infestation of spiders or one of the more harmful kinds in the GTA. Max Pest Control technicians that remove spiders are aware of how upsetting they can be. We're here to provide you with important information about spiders.

cellar spiders
Colour: Gray, tan or yellow
Size: 2 to 8 mm long
Features: Nicknamed "daddy long legs". They have long, slender legs and an enlarged abdomen
What do Cellar Spiders Look Like?
The cellar spider is typically 2 to 8 mm long, not including the legs, making it longer than most other spider species. The overall length of the body is increased by more than six times when the length of the legs is included. The cellar spider's cylinder-shaped abdomen is three times longer than it is wide. They are tan, yellow, and grey all shades of colour.
How Concerned about Cellar Spiders Should I be?
A cellar spider may have up to 60 children and survive for roughly two years. They don't truly endanger people's health or cause structural harm to houses or other buildings. They can be frightening to see around your house and anyone who has arachnophobia, but they are typically viewed as pests.

american House spiders
Colour: Tan-brown with brown patterns
Size: Females are 5 to 9 mm long and males are 3 to 5 mm
Features: Male legs have an orange tinge, whereas female legs have a yellow tint. Comb-like hairs on the legs and black rings, particularly around the leg joints, are distinguishing features of the American house spider.
Infestation Indicators
American house spiders or also known as common house spiders vary greatly in appearances according to species. In addition to finding an American house spider infestation sometimes entails finding cobwebs in windows, ceiling corners, and between or below various household furnishings. Spider corpses are another sign of an infestation issue.
How Concerned about American House Spiders Should I be?
Although American house spiders generally bite when startled, when they do, the bites can leave a red mark and be itchy for several hours. Additionally, an ordinary American house spider may lay thousands of eggs during its lifetime, meaning that if infestations are not managed, they might get out of control. Contact Max Pest Control to get them removed from your home or business if an American house spider infestation takes over.

black widow spiders
Colour: Females are jet black
Size: 5 to 14 mm long ( females are around 10 to 14 mm long)
Features: Black widow spiders vary somewhat in appearance depending on gender and range in colour from black to brown. Both sexes of black widows in their juvenile phases feature yellow, red, and white bands and spots on their backs, with the female having a red hourglass-shaped pattern on its belly.
Infestation Indicators
The black widow's messy web may be the first indication of an infestation. Webs indicate spider activity, whether recent or previous and are frequently discovered below furniture or in the corners of basements and storage spaces. Being attacked by a black widow spider or running into sizable numbers of spiderlings hatching during the warmer months during mating season typically indicates an infestation issue.
How Concerned about Black Widow Spiders Should I be?
Although black widow spiders are not hostile to people and only bite when they feel threatened, however, their venom is toxic to the nervous system. This impacts the nerve system and results in symptoms including fever, weakness, chills, edema, chest discomfort, and difficulty breathing. You should get medical help right away if you've been bitten by a black widow spider.
You must act as soon as you detect an infestation due to the possibility of severe bites and the spiders' ability for fast reproduction. A black widow spider infestation may only be stopped in its tracks by a qualified pest control company.

jumping spiders
Colour: Black, brown, grey with yellow, white, red or green markings
Size: 4 to 20 mm long
Features: They have four big eyes and a muscular, compact body covered in hair. The bold jumper, the most prevalent species in Canada, has a black body, white-striped legs, and triangular white spots on its belly.
Infestation Indicators
Jumping spiders usually are located in gardens, fields, and forests. Since they hunt more effectively with the aid of sunshine, residents are more likely to see jumping spiders during the day. They frequently gather around doorways, windows, and other well-lit locations. Look for leaping and extremely quick crawling to appropriately identify the pests.
How Concerned about Jumping Spiders Should I be?
The jumping spider may bite, however its bites are not harmful. They tend to run away from danger rather than bite. However, especially for those who have arachnophobia, their quick movements and capacity for large jumps can be unsettling.
Even while there are certain preventative measures you may take, it can be challenging to keep jumping spiders out. If you are concerned that jumping spiders will invade your house or place of business, hire a professional pest control company to prevent their return.

wolf spiders